Cassi Lup is a Lead Developer with 3Pillar Global and a co-organizer of tim.js (probably the 1st JS Meetup in Romania). He has a passion for the web and tries to look at it with a creative, yet critical eye. He has a knack for all things JS, from trainings and workshops all the way to solving real-life problems with code. When not online, he loves hanging out with his wife and two kids.
`s talk: Wraping Time with Async/Await
The JS world is a constant surprise. Just look at the recent years and you'll see why. The language itself is maturing and the angles from which we look at it are becoming more and more diverse. We've arrived from 10-year release cycles to yearly feature upgrades. ES2017 is upon us and together with it, a new tool that gives us time-warping superpowers: Async/Await. Come learn (almost) all there is to know about it and how you can start using it today. It's going to be fun!